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Helping carpenters on their journey to becoming master carpenters with Certification in roof framing.

Carpentry Certification in Roof Framing Geometry:

Canadian & American Geometric Roof Framing Development using a steel framing square.
Shorter version with no explanitions of the drawings.

Download the Canadian & American Geometric Roof Framing Development using a steel framing square PDF file. Then draw out the Geometric Roof Framing Development using a steel framing square on a piece of plywood or MDF and have someone take a picture of you and the drawing. Then send the picture to support@raftertools.com to be included in our Carpentry Certification in Roof Framing Geometry. Note: you do not have to draw out the Canadian & American Geometric Roof Framing Development. It can be any type of roof framing geometric drawing on a piece of plywood or MDF to be included in our Certification in Roof Framing Geometry web page. The drawing must include at least 8 roof framing angles and be drawn using a framing square or straight edge and compass.

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Greek geometry in mathematics: Apollonius
Those problems solvable by means of conic sections are called solid geometry.
Those problems solvable by means of circles and lines only (as assumed in Euclid's Elements) are called planar geometry.

Roof Framing Geometry Blog
