Rafter Tools+ for iPhone

Framing Square Usage

Rotation Point On Framing Square
Use 12" as the framing square rotation point if your using Imperial/English Inch base 12.
Use 300mm as the framing square rotation point if your using Metric 300mm base.
Use 10" as the framing square rotation point if your using Decimal Inch base 10.

As an example the hip rafter slope angle is 27.50055°, click on the text while viewing the Hip Angles and a popup box will display 6 3/4 & 12 for the framing square usage. The first number will be the rotation dimension, 6 3/4" in this example, and 12" as the rotation point.

Hip Rafter Backing Angle example, the hip rafter backing angle is 20.27452°, click on the text while viewing the Hip Angles and a popup box will display 4 7/16" & 12 for the framing square usage. The first number will be the rotation dimension, 4 7/16" in this example, and 12" as the rotation point.

Hip Rafter Plumb Backing Angle example, the hip rafter plumb backing angle is 22.60994°, click on the text while viewing the Hip Angles and a popup box will display 5" & 12 for the framing square usage. The first number will be the rotation dimension, 5" in this example, and 12" as the rotation point.

Hip Rafter Side Cut Angle @ Peak of Hip Rafter example, the hip rafter side cut angle is 35.35970°, click on the text while viewing the Hip Angles and a popup box will display 8 1/2" & 12 for the framing square usage. The first number will be the rotation dimension, 8 1/2" in this example, and 12" as the rotation point.

Main Side Hip Rafter Purlin Housing Angle, Square Tail Fascia Hip Rafter, or Witches Cut, Miter Angle example, the angle is 12.98849°, click on the text while viewing the Hip Angles and a popup box will display 2 3/4" & 12 for the framing square usage. The first number will be the rotation dimension, 2 3/4" in this example, and 12" as the rotation point.